Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap MD MRCS FRCS - Pulau Pinang

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Contact Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap MD MRCS FRCS

Address :

Island Hospital, No. 308, Macalister Road, Pulau Pinang, 10450 George Town, Malaysia

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 10450
Website : http://www.islandhospital.com/
Categories :
City : George Town

Island Hospital, No. 308, Macalister Road, Pulau Pinang, 10450 George Town, Malaysia
Ys. Ys on Google

Papa sya (umur 62 thn) didiagnosis kanker pankreas dan harus menjalani operasi whipple.. Kondisi pandemi dan di kota sya, operasi ini ckup jarang dilakukan. Puji Tuhan dibukakan jalan dan bisa dikenalkan dg Dokter Badrul, salah satu dokter bedah terbaik di Island hospital Penang.. Papa sya bisa dioperasi dengan sangat baik meskipun ukuran kanker di kepala pankreasny cukup besar (4*4cm) dan bilirubbin (kuning /jaundice) juga sangat tinggi.. Hasil operasi cukup cepat kering dan ketika pulang ke kota asal, dokter sini pun bilang hasil operasinya bagus dan bersih. Dokter Badrul pun sangat baik, beliau selalu mengabarkan kondisi papa sya selama disana, karena kondisi pandemi, yang menemani cuma bisa 1 orang, namun kami anak2 tetap bisa dapat update info terkini dari dokter.. Ketika papa akan pulang, dokter dengan baik dan rendah hati pun mau mengantar ppa mma sya ke mobil yang akan mengantar mereka ke airport tanpa diminta, padahal schedule operasi beliau pun saya yakin sangat padat. Saya pun mendapat review lain dari teman yang keluarganya pernah operasi kanker usus stadium 4, maupun benjolan lain di sekitar paru2 dan semua puas dengan hasil operasi dokter Badrul. Sekarang papa sya sedang masa pemulihan dan akan melanjutkan kemoterapi sesuai anjuran dokter. Semoga semua berjalan lancar.. Terima kasih banyak Dokter Badrul.. Selalu menjadi sarana berkat Tuhan untuk semua pasien yang sedang kesulitan..??? God bless you always, Dok.. Stay safe and healthy.. ???
My father (62 years old) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had to undergo whipple surgery.. In a pandemic condition and in my city, this operation is quite rare. Praise God, the way is opened and we can be introduced to Doctor Badrul, one of the best surgeons at Island hospital Penang.. My papa can be operated on very well even though the size of the cancer on the head of the pancreas is quite large (4*4cm) and the bilirubin (yellow/jaundice) is also very high.. The results of the operation dries quickly and when I returned to my hometown, the doctor here said that the results of the operation were good and clean. Doctor Badrul is also very good, he always reports on my father's condition while there, because of the pandemic conditions, only 1 person can accompany him, but we children can still get the latest information updates from the doctor.. When papa was going home, the doctor kindly and humbly wanted to take my father and mother to the car that would take them to the airport without being asked, even though I believe his operating schedule was very busy. I also received other reviews from friends whose families had surgery for stage 4 colon cancer, as well as other lumps around the lungs and all were satisfied with the results of Doctor Badrul's surgery. Now my father is recovering and will continue chemotherapy as recommended by the doctor. Hope all goes well.. Thank you very much Doctor Badrul.. Always be a means of God's blessing for all patients who are in trouble..??? God bless you always, Doc.. Stay safe and healthy..
Susan Chai on Google

Nice, a very dedicated and responsible Doctor..
Vincent Lee on Google

Great surgeon. He successfully carried out what I understand to be an extremely difficult and challenging procedure to remove a liver tumour that was bigger than the host liver itself. Thank you!
LIM SAWSIM on Google

We are writing to express our gratitude and appreciation towards Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap BH who had rescued our son (5 years old) on 20.01.2020. My son been complained of stomachache since 19.01.2020 and we sent him to a private hospital in Butterworth on 20.01.2020 for further examination. They had performed ultrasound and X-Ray on my son and diagnosed as “Intussusception”, but we been informed that the hospital in Butterworth unable to perform the procedure/surgery due to lack of facility and expertise to conduct the procedure for a small child. Thus the pediatric had written a letter and referred to ISLAND HOSPITAL for the Intussusception Procedure. On the same date, we had rushed our son to Island Hospital to meet Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap. We arrived at 12.45pm due to the delay in the Butterworth Hospital. We spent hald an hour on registration and been sent to Emergency and Accidental Department to wait for Dr. Badrul Hisham. After a while, Dr.Badrul Hisham came to check on our son, and he instructed to perform second time ultrasound on our son, and yet the ultrasound unable to ascertain that it was 100% due to Intussusception. Thus, Dr. Badrul Hisham advised us to perform a CT Scan for further detail examination to diagnose the cause of the acute pain on the stomach. His decision had saved our son’s life, as the real cause behind the pain was due to the appendicitis and not intussusception. Though, his schedule was fully booked and unable to slot in for an appendicitis surgery on the same day. We had conveyed our concern over the matter as our son kept complained of unbearable pain. Lastly, Dr. Badrul Hisham managed to arrange a surgery around 12.00 midnight for our son. He had spent whole day in operation theatre with long queue of patients, but he still willing to slot in our son for the surgery on same day. We had waited for nearly 2 hours and we were so glad when Dr. Badrul Hisham appeared to us and informed us the surgery was successful. He also informed us the condition of the appendicitis had deteriorated and had burst before the surgery was conducted, he had cleared all the pus to prevent the pus from spreading to other organs and causing infection. What we can say more than a thank you with tears. Our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap as he had rescued our son’s life. Dr. Badrul Hisham, you are always the hero in our family. I apologized for the delay to write a gratitude letter. Thank you Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap , and please stay safe.
Wina Tjandra on Google

Really appreciate the care and profesionalism from the doctor, really put 100% effort to treat the patient.. from day 1 arrive, no matter how late, the doctor still came to visit patient, checking condition and explained in detail the plan for next treatment.. very fast respon in handling patient.. the surgery went well and the recovery time suprisingly faster than we expected.. fyi, my husband had whipple operation using laparoscopy method.. Thumbs up for Dr.Badrul, very recommeded.. last but not least, i wanna say thank you to doctor and all the nurses..
Krishnan S on Google

My wife, my daughters and I wish to express our sincere appreciation to Dr Badrul Hisham Yeap, Consultant General Surgeon of Island Hospital who had successfully operated on my wife in December 2020 for retroperitoneal liposarcoma. The surgery was a very major one and considered highly risky and intricate. I would like to share with our journey prior to the discovery of a great surgeon in Dr Badrul. My wife was diagnosed with paracaval malignant liposarcoma in May 2020 in another private hospital in Penang. She was operated on by a General Surgeon and a Urologist in July 2020. Despite surgery and radiotherapy sessions, she had a “recurrence” in November 2020, just about 5 months later. My wife faced another major setback when the attending surgeon declined to do further surgery stating that it was highly risky to do a repeat surgery. Then, the frantic hunt for surgeons in Penang and elsewhere began. It was nerve wrecking but we had to endure it to find the best surgeon. After careful thought, we decided the surgery should be done in Penang in view of the ongoing Covid pandemic and for convenience of post-surgery recovery. We consulted a few surgeons in Penang but my wife did not get the right vibes to make a decision. Destiny would have it that we finally ended up in Island Hospital, Penang on 10th December 2020 to consult, Dr Badrul Hisham Yeap, who was recommended by 3 medical specialists. It was quite apparent that Dr. Badrul had gone through the reports sent to him prior to the visit and had also consulted his radiologist before he saw us. He gave his views on the progression (as opposed to recurrence) of tumours in several locations that appeared so quickly after the last surgery, a view that was shared by an oncologist. He reassured us that it was operable and would involve a radical approach to surgery to remove the tumours as completely as possible. Dr Badrul’s reassuring words and phrases gave us complete confidence and helped my wife in making her final decision. The huge sense of relief in my wife was so noticeable and I knew then she had made up her mind. I was right, she later told me that “we have finally found the right man for the job”. My wife was admitted 2 days prior to surgery to prepare her for the surgery on 21st December 2020. The surgery was conducted by Dr Badrul himself. The surgery was more than 10 hours long and when Dr. Badrul briefed me later on the surgery, he was looking so fresh despite the hectic 10+ hours of surgery. My wife stayed in the hospital for about 10 days and Dr Badrul ensured that she received the best pre-and post-operative care that was necessary. He was very attentive to my wife during the follow-up visits to his clinic and fast forward, my wife has recovered well. 2 CT scans have been done since the surgery in December 2020, one after 3 months and the other after 9 months. Both these CT scans did not indicate any recurrence of tumour. These are some of Dr Badrul’s encouraging words and phrases that I would like to share with others seeking surgery: •“PERSEVERANCE” – there should be complete perseverance towards complete removal of diseased tissue by reaching all indicated areas; •“FOR AS LONG IT TAKES” – in order to do a complete resection and clean-up of all affected areas, patience is required to do it right and may take longer than expected. •“TAKING A DIFFERENT APPROACH” – a radical approach to surgery as opposed to conventional method to achieve a high success rate and would mean removal of the right kidney; •“FOCUSSING SOLELY ON PATIENT” – so reassuring to hear that he would be focussing solely on my surgery for the day. [Our verdict – Dr Badrul fulfilled his assurances by successfully completing the highly risky surgery in a painstaking manner without major complications. We are confident that he gave his all to ensure success.] My wife is feeling much better now, THANKS to Dr Badrul for giving her a new lease of life. We wish to thank also Dr Francis, the radiologist, anaesthetist, nurses, and others for the support and care given. GOD BLESS DR BADRUL.
Bee Tan on Google

Thank you Mr. Badrul Hisham Yeap for operating on my dad and he is now on the road to recovery. My dad is 80 years old and was diagnosed with a large tumor on his liver. Mr Yeap is extremely skilled, professional and caring. He managed to preserve more liver than expected. He is also very diligent with the post ops care. I am very thankful to him.
Novita Rumngangun on Google

Outstanding Doctor. I went to Penang recently to have my thyroid surgery. I was very nervous. I am so very lucky that I met Dr Badrul. Even though he has done thousands of surgeries ... I really liked his approach. before my surgery..he came to visit me and explained about it the surgery and tried to calm me yet also gave me a very clear explanation. post surgery, he always checked my condition every day. I had surgery Monday afternoon and the day after..yes..the day after, I started back to work virtually from my hospital room. what he did was amazing and really Thank God that I met an outstanding doctor, who was full of experience, and really really outstanding personality as well. Dr Badrul..zillion thanks for saving my life. Please stay healthy and stay happy..many more people will need your help. God Bless You

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