Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya

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Contact Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya

Address :

KM12, Nilam Puri, Jalan Kuala Krai, Nilam Puri, 15730 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia

Phone : πŸ“ž +9798
Website : http://web.kias.edu.my/
Categories :
City : kelantan

KM12, Nilam Puri, Jalan Kuala Krai, Nilam Puri, 15730 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Azizan Othman on Google

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Nilam puri
Nilam puri
Raja Muhammad Fahmey on Google

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prgi lwatan wth kwan2 n ustz , srronok dgn mrka yg sporting, hope ana dpt jumpa mrka lgi
to go to the kwan2 n ustz, to sport them, hope they can find them
alFateh on Google

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Mohon pencerahan , jika ambil asasi di apium ni .. kalau nk smbug degree ke universiti lain blh ke ? Hanya bertanya ???? mohon pencerahan
Please enlighten, if you have a degree in apium .. if you have a degree in another university can you? Just ask for enlightenment
Mohd Rafidi Mohd Ali on Google

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*DALIL DAKWAH Wa TABLIGH* *Dalil-dalil 3 hari, 40 hari, 4 bulan* *Menjadikan semua umat tahu tentang tanggungjawab perintah Allah terhadap kerja dakwah keatas diri mereka.* *3 HARI* *Kisah Nabi Zakaria a.s diperintahkan Allah swt tidak berbicara kepada manusia, tentang perkara dunia kecuali membicarakan kebesaran-kebesaran Allah dan berzikir sebanyak-banyaknya selama TIGA HARI.* (Sila baca QS Ali Imran : 41) *Rasulullah saw mengutus Abdurrahman bin Auf r.hu ke Dumah al Jandal untuk berdakwah selama TIGA HARI.* (HR Darul Qutni) *Rasulullah saw mengutus Khalid bin al-Walid r.hu ke Najran kepada Bani Harits untuk menyeru kepada Islam selama TIGA HARI.* *Dakwah Salman Al Farisi r.hu selama TIGA HARI ke istana-istana putih Persia.* (HR Bukhari) Ketika tentera meminta Salman r.hu menyerang, Salman r.hu berkata, *"Biarlah aku mengurusnya..! Aku akan mendakwahkan Islam kepada mereka terlebih dahulu TIGA HARI sebagaimana yang aku ketahui dari Rasulullah saw..!"* *Rasulullah saw menawan dan menahan orang kafir di sekitar masjid agar orang kafir melihat amalan orang Islam di masjid selama TIGA HARI.* (HR sahih Bukhari jilid 2 bab Maghazi) *Kisah Sumamah bin Aufal r.hu yang ditahan di masjid TIGA HARI lalu dapat hidayah Islam.* *4 0 H A R I* Kisah Nabi Musa a.s dari al-Quran surah Al A'raf ayat 142. *"Dan kami telah menjanjikan kepada Musa a.s petunjuk, dari Taurat, sesudah berlaku 30 MALAM..!* *Dan Kami sempurnakan waktu yang telah ditetapkan dengan 10 malam..! Maka genaplah dari Tuhannya, Allah swt selama 40 MALAM..!"* (Nabi Musa a.s diperintahkan hanya beribadah dan membesarkan Allah di Bukit Tursina) (Disebutkan juga dalam Al-quran surah al Baqarah ayat 51) Seorang laki-laki datang kepada Umar bin Khattab r.hu dan Umar r.hu pun bertanya, *"Dari mana engkau..?"* Laki-laki itu menjawab, *"Dari Ribat selama 30 hari..!"* (Buat dakwah) Umar r.hu berkata, *"Mengapa tidak kau cukupkan 40 HARI..?"* Rasulullah saw ada bersabda, *"Siapa yang mengikhlaskan dirinya kepada Allah selama 40 HARI akan zahir sumber-sumber hikmah dalam hati melalui lidahnya..!"* (lisannya) *4 B U L A N* Umar r.hu bertanya kepada Hafsah r.ha ketika Para Sahabat r.hum diperintahkan berdakwah dan berperang, *"Berapa lama wanita mampu berpisah dari suaminya..?"* *Hafsah r.ha dengan malu-malu menjawab 4-6 bulan.* *Lalu Umar r.hu mengirim surat kepada amir rombongan agar tidak menahan rombongannya lebih dari 4 BULAN.* (Dua bulan untuk perjalanan pergi balik) (HR Baihaqi jilid IX m/s 29) *Rasulullah saw mengeluarkan 25 jama'ah ke seluruh dunia dengan jumlah 10,000 orang, 1,000 orang, 500 orang, 15 orang, 7 orang untuk keluar dakwah 6 bulan, 4 bulan, 3 bulan, 2 bulan, 15 hari, 3 hari.* (Dari Kitab Sirah Nubuwah) *6 B U L A N* Rasulullah saw mengutus Khalid bin al-Walid r.hu ke Yaman untuk berdakwah. Barra r.hu meriwayatkan, *"Aku ikut bersama Khalid al-Walid r.hu di Yaman selama 6 bulan."* (HR Bukhari, Baihaqi, Bidayan dan Nihayah) *Tidak ada yang tidak bermakna dari angka-angka yang disebutkan Allah swt dalam kalam-Nya al Quran atau dalam hadis Rasulullah saw.* *Setiap hari meluangkan hanya 10% dari waktu kita untuk berdakwah, bercakap, membicarakan kebesaran Allah 2.5 jam saja boss..!* *Dalam kisah Nabi Ibrahim a.s berdakwah selama 13 tahun meninggalkan anak isterinya.* *124,000 Para Sahabat r.hum dihantar oleh Rasulullah saw ke seluruh alam untuk menyebarkan agama dan sebahagian besar tidak pulang. Mereka berdakwah sampai mati..!* (HR Ibnu Hibban) Wallahu 'alam bissawab..! Semoga bermanfaat buat semua umat khususnya pada anak-isteri dan Keluarga serta Umat Seluruh Alam...Amiiinn Ya Robbal'alamin
* WITHOUT TABLIGH WAIT * * 3 days, 40 days, 4 months * * Make all people aware of the responsibility of Allah's command on their work of preaching. * * 3 DAYS * * The story of the prophet Zechariah is commanded by Allah to speak to no one in the world except to talk about the greatness of Allah and to meditate as much as THREE DAYS. * (Please read Ali Imran's QS: 41) * The Messenger of Allah sent Abdurrahman bin Auf r.hu to Dumah al Jandal to preach for THREE DAYS. * (HR Darul Qutni) * Allah's Messenger sent Khalid bin al-Walid r.hu to Najran to the Children of Harits to call on Islam for THREE DAYS. * * Preaching Salman Al Farisi r.hu for THREE DAYS to Persian white palaces. * (HR Bukhari) When the army asked Salman r.hu to attack, Salman r.hu said, * "Let me take care of it ..! I will proclaim Islam to them THREE DAYS as I know it from the Messenger of Allah." * Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) captured and detained unbelievers around the mosque so that unbelievers could observe the practices of Muslims in the mosque for THREE DAYS. * (HR confirms Bukhari volume 2 about Maghazi) * The story of Sumamah bin Aufal r.hu who was detained at the THREE DAYS mosque and received Islamic guidance. * * 4 0 H A R I * The story of Moses a.s from the Quran surah Al A'raf verse 142. * "And we promised Moses a guide, from the Torah, after 30 Nights ..! * * And We complete the set time with 10 nights ..! So be it from his Lord, Allah swt for 40 Nights ..! "* (Moses was commanded to worship only and raise Allah in the Hill of Tursina) (Also mentioned in the Qur'an surah al Baqarah verse 51) A man came to Umar bin Khattab r.hu and Umar r.hu asked, * "Where are you ..?" * The man replied, * "From the Ribat for 30 days ..!" * (For preaching) Umar r.hu said, * "Why don't you spend 40 DAYS ..?" * The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said, * "Whoever dedicates himself to Allah for 40 days will reveal the sources of wisdom in his heart ..!" * (Verbal) * 4 B U L A N * Umar r.hu asked Hafsah r.ha when his Companions were ordered to preach and to fight, * "How long can a woman stay away from her husband?" * * Hafsah r.ha shyly answers 4-6 months. * * Then Umar r.hu sent a letter to the troupe members not to hold the troupe for more than 4 MONTHS. * (Two months for the return trip) (HR Baihaqi volume IX m / s 29) * The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) brought out 25 pilgrims to the world with 10,000 people, 1,000 people, 500 people, 15 people, 7 people to preach 6 months, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 15 days, 3 days. * (From the Book of Nubuwah's Head) *6 MONTHS* Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent Khalid bin al-Walid r.hu to Yemen to preach. Barra r.hu recounts, * "I have been with Khalid al-Walid r.hu in Yemen for 6 months." * (HR Bukhari, Baihaqi, Midwives and Nihayah) * There is nothing insignificant from the figures mentioned by Allah in his Quran or in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah. * Every day we spend only 10% of our time preaching, speaking, speaking about the greatness of God for only 2.5 hours boss ..! * * In the story of Abraham Abraham preached for 13 years leaving his wife. * * 124,000 The Companions were sent by the Messenger of Allah throughout the world to spread the religion and most did not return home. They preach to death ..! * (HR Ibn Hibban) Wallahu 'alam bissawab ..! May all mankind benefit especially the wives and the Families and the peoples of the World ... Amiiinn Ya Robbal'alamin
Mus'ab 0733 on Google

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Skrg bkn akademi dah, KIAS dh ambil alih
Now it's not an academy anymore, KIAS dh took over
Fadhil Shuib on Google

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Hikmatul Hasanah on Google

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The best
Taufiq Tamsir on Google

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