DhammaJata Vihara

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Contact DhammaJata Vihara

Address :

32A, Lorong Jawi Jaya 3, Bukit Jawi, 14200 Sungai Jawi, Penang, Malaysia

Phone : 📞 +777
Website : http://www.dhammajata.org/
Opening hours :
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday 9AM–1PM
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Categories :
City : Penang

32A, Lorong Jawi Jaya 3, Bukit Jawi, 14200 Sungai Jawi, Penang, Malaysia
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釋迦牟尼佛是賢劫千佛中最特殊的一位!(佛弟子不知道的秘密) 釋迦牟尼,梵名Sakya-muni,。意即釋迦族出身之聖人。又作釋迦文尼、奢迦夜牟尼、釋迦牟曩、釋迦文。略稱釋迦、牟尼、文尼。意譯作能仁、能忍、能寂、寂默、能滿、度沃焦,或梵漢並譯,稱為釋迦寂靜。又稱釋迦牟尼世尊、釋尊。即佛教教祖。略稱為:佛陀。 在沒有佛出世的時候,會有菩薩下到人間來教導十善業(不殺生、不偷盜、不邪淫、不妄語、不兩舌、不惡口、不綺語、不貪、不嗔、不痴)。而唯有佛才可以傳真正可以解脫生死輪迴的圓滿的佛法。《梵網經》中說釋迦牟尼佛在我們南閻浮提這個地方已經示現成佛八千次。 要了解釋迦牟尼佛的功德,不得不提一下劫這個名詞。劫是甚麼意思? 『劫』是梵文劫簸(kalpa)的音譯,它在印度,並不是佛教創造的名詞,乃是古印度用來計算時間單位的通稱。 一大劫由四個成,住,壞,空四個中劫組成,其中只有住劫的時候才會有人,有人才會有佛法。佛法只出現在住劫當中。 一個中劫由二十個小劫組成,這二十個小劫分為十減劫,十增劫。不過,通常所稱的劫,是指我們這個娑婆世界的長時代而言。 佛經中所說的劫,分為三: 一、小劫: 依我們地球的人壽計算,從人類八萬四千歲的長壽,每一百年減短一歲,減至人類的壽命僅有十歲時,稱為減劫;再從十歲,每一百年增加一歲,又增加到人壽八萬四千歲,稱為增劫。如此一減一增的時間過程,總稱為一小劫。 二、中劫: 經過二十個小劫,稱為一個中劫。因為,據佛典中說,我們所處的地球,共分『成、住、壞、空』的四大階段,每一階段的時間過程,均為二十個小劫,在這四大階段中,唯有『住』的階段,可以供人類生存。初『成』的階段是由氣體而液體。再由液體而凝固,所以不堪人類的生活。到了『壞』的階段,正在劇烈的破壞之中,也不適合人類的生存;據說是經過四十九次大火災,七次大水災,一次大風災之後,地球便歸消失。壞劫終了,『空』劫開始,在空無一物中再經過二十小劫,另一新的地球便又逐漸形成,進入另一期的『成』的階段。佛教把這成、住、壞、空的四大階段,稱為四個中劫,分別稱為成劫、住劫、壞劫、空劫。 三、大劫: 經過成、住、壞、空的四個中劫,便是一個大劫;換句話說,地球世界的一生一滅,便是一個大劫。然而,壞劫中的每一次大火災,可從無間地獄,一直燒到色界的初禪天;每一次大水災,可從無間地獄,一直淹到色界的二禪天;最後一次大風災,可從無間地獄一直吹到色界的三禪天。也就是說,每一次大劫的範圍,除了色界的第四禪天及無色界的四空天,三界之內的動植飛潛,一切萬物都是在劫難逃。 一大劫由四個成,住,壞,空四個中劫組成。其中只有住劫的時候才會有人,有人才會有佛法。佛法只出現在住劫當中。 一個中劫由二十個小劫組成,這二十個小劫分為十減劫,十增劫。我們正處在這次大劫中的的第九小劫的減劫。 佛經上所稱的劫,如不標明中劫或小劫,通常是指大劫而言。之所以談劫,就是想說明,佛法真的是百千萬劫難遭遇。遇到一次佛法非常之難,如同大海中的盲龜遇到漂浮著的木頭,恰巧浮木上有一個小孔,盲龜又恰巧可以把他的頭放進木孔當中。甚至比這還要難得。我們所在這個大劫叫賢劫,又叫善劫,共有一千尊佛出世,至今已經有四尊佛出世了。 第一尊佛拘留孫佛出世時,人壽六萬歲 第二尊佛拘那含牟尼佛出世時,人壽四萬歲 第三尊佛迦葉佛出世時,人壽二萬歲 第四尊佛釋迦牟尼佛出世時,人壽百歲 在這賢劫千佛里,唯有我們偉大的老師釋迦牟尼佛是在人壽百歲的五濁惡世【劫濁、見濁、命濁、眾生濁、煩惱濁】里成佛的,而其他的佛都不選擇在如此糟糕的時代成佛。 釋迦牟尼佛是唯一的。 這和釋迦牟尼佛在因地里的大願和因地里勇猛精進的修行是分不開的。早在佛因地里還是菩薩的時候就被歌利王割截身體而不起嗔心;做兔王時,跳入火中供養修行者;捨身飼虎;割肉喂鷹等。難行能行而修六度。 昔日佛為閻浮提一個名叫毘棱竭梨的大國王的時候,為求如下這樣一個四句偈,不惜給自己身上釘上一千個釘子, 一切皆無常,生者皆有苦。 諸法空無生,實非我所有。 在我們看來也許覺的不理解,其實這就是佛和我們這些凡夫的區別,如果我們人人都象佛那樣,連如此簡單的四句偈都珍惜尊重,那麼人人皆已成佛。眾生之悲即在不知珍惜法故,而招致佛法隕落,正法變像法,像法變末法最後變成無法。 釋迦牟尼佛多生之中更有一世為閻浮提一個名叫虔闍尼婆梨的大國王,為向一婆羅門學得「常者皆盡 高者必墮 合會有離 生者皆死」這四句偈,不惜將身上挖一千個洞,然後放入油,燃千燈供養婆羅門。 釋迦牟尼佛多生之中更有一世為閻浮提一個名叫曇摩鉗的好樂正法的太子,為學八句偈: 常行於慈心、除去恚害想。 大悲愍眾生、矜傷為雨淚。 修行大喜心、同己所得法。 救護以道意、乃應菩薩行。 而把身體毫不猶豫的投入大火,為法捐軀。 佛在前生早已懂得這些正法,可為什麼要付出如此的巨大代價來學只是一個四句偈呢?就是因為我們這個時代眾生的根器太差,本不該有佛法在這種五濁惡世出現的,可釋迦牟尼佛大悲心切,不忍我等濁世眾生受苦受難,才如此玩命修行,方感得我等濁世眾生能有此機會學佛聞法。 多劫以前,在釋迦牟尼佛還是個學生的時候,與彌勒菩薩是同學,跟隨他的老師燃燈古佛修行, 燃燈古佛當時授記,彌勒菩薩是地球上第四尊佛,而釋迦牟尼佛是第五尊佛。 彌勒菩薩將在我們這個時代的五十六億七千萬多年後,人壽八萬四千歲的時候成佛修行降生人間,弘揚佛法。在迦葉佛滅度、彌勒菩薩未成佛的這漫長的歲月中,一切眾生因自己的業障而感得無佛降世,無法聽聞佛法指導解脫,無福學佛,長夜黑暗,六道輪迴,眾生無邊大苦即使是傾盡四大海水為墨,也寫不盡眾生因為沒有佛法明燈指引,因愚痴所受到的痛苦!!! 然佛無數世舍頭目腦髓,精進無比地修行,趕在了彌勒菩薩之前成佛。才讓我等有幸在本無佛法的時代下,還能夠得聞佛法。我等何其幸運,此等大福報若用七寶堆高如須彌山,鑽石布滿地球來和佛的降世及佛法的珍貴來比較。七寶與鑽石都是一文不值! 天上天下無如佛 十方世界亦無比 世間所有我盡見 一切無有如佛者 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛
Sakyamuni Buddha is the most special one among the thousands of Buddhas! (Secrets that Buddha disciples don’t know) Sakyamuni, the Sanskrit name Sakya-muni. It means a saint from the Sakyamuni family. Also as Sakyamuni, Shega Yemeni, Sakyamuni, Sakyamuni. Referred to as Shakyamuni, Muni, and Vinny. The free translation is Nengren, Nengren, Nengji, Nengmeng, Nengman, Duwojiao, or Sanskrit, which is called Shakyah Silence. Also known as Sakyamuni, Venerable, and Sakyamuni. That is the ancestor of Buddhism. Abbreviated as: Buddha. When no Buddha is born, there will be a Bodhisattva who comes down to teach the ten good karma ). And only Buddha can fax the complete Dharma that can free the cycle of life and death. The Brahma Net said that Buddha Shakyamuni has shown up to be a Buddha eight thousand times in our place of Nanyan. In order to explain the merits of the Buddha, you have to mention the term robbery. What does robbery mean? "Robbery" is a transliteration of Sanskrit (kalpa). It is not a term coined by Buddhism in India. It is a generic term used by ancient India to calculate time units. A big robbery is composed of four parts: live, bad, and empty, and there are four robbery. Among them, there will only be people when they live in robbery. The Dharma only appeared in the robbery. A middle robbery consists of twenty small robbies, which are divided into ten reduced robbery and ten increased robbery. However, what is commonly referred to as robbery refers to the long age of our wandering world. There are three types of robbery in the Buddhist scriptures: 1. Small robbery: According to the calculation of the life of our earth, from the long life of 84,000 years of human beings, it is shortened by one year every 100 years, and when the life span of humans is only ten years old, it is called reduction; from ten years old, every hundred The year increases by one year, and then increases to 84,000 years old, which is called Zeng robbery. Such a time process of one decrease and one increase is collectively called a small disaster. Second, the robbery: After twenty small robbery, it is called a middle robbery. Because, according to the Buddhist scriptures, the earth we are in is divided into four stages of "success, living, bad, and empty". The time course of each stage is 20 small disasters. Among these four stages Only in the "living" stage can human beings survive. The initial stage of "completion" is from gas to liquid. It is solidified by liquid, so it is unbearable for human life. At the stage of "bad", it is in violent destruction and is not suitable for human survival; it is said that after 49 major fires, 7 major floods, and 1 major wind disaster, the earth disappeared. The bad robberies are over, and the "empty" robberies begin. After another 20 small robberies in nothing, another new earth is gradually formed, entering another stage of "completion". Buddhism refers to these four stages of success, residence, badness, and emptyness as the four middle robberies. Three, the catastrophe: After the four robberies of success, residence, badness, and emptiness, it is a big robber; in other words, the life of the earth and the world is a big robber. However, every big fire in the bad robbery can burn from the infernal hell to the first jhantian of the color realm; every major flood can go from the infernal hell to the second jhantian of the color realm; , Which can be blown from the infernal hell to the three Zen days of the color world. That is to say, in the scope of every big disaster, except for the fourth Zen sky of the color realm and the four empty sky of the colorless realm, the animal and plant flying within the three realms, all things are in a disaster. A big robbery is composed of four successes, live, bad, and empty. Among them, there will be people only when there is a robbery, and talents will have Dharma. The Dharma only appeared in the robbery. A middle robbery consists of twenty small robbies, which are divided into ten reduced robbery and ten increased robbery. We are in the ninth small robbery reduction in this big robbery. The robbery in the Buddhist scriptures, if not marked as medium robbery or small robbery, usually refers to the big robbery. The reason why we talk about robbery is to show that Buddhism is really a million-year robbery. It was very difficult to encounter a Dharma, just like a blind turtle in the sea encountered floating wood, and it happened that there was a small hole in the drift wood, and the blind turtle happened to be able to put his head into the wooden hole. Even rarer than this. The big robbery we are in is called virtuous robbery and good robbery. A total of 1,000 Buddhas have been born. So far, four Buddhas have been born. When the first Buddha detained Sun Buddha, he lived 60,000 years old When the second Buddha Sukhna Muni was born, he lived forty years old When the third Buddha Kaye Buddha was born, he lived for 20,000 years When the fourth Buddha Shakyamuni was born, he was 100 years old In this sage robbery, only our great teacher, Sakyamuni Buddha, became Buddha in the five turbid evil world [robbery, seeing turbidity, life turbidity, sentient beings, troubled turbidity], and No other Buddha chose to become a Buddha in such a bad time. Sakyamuni Buddha is unique. This is inseparable from the aspiration of Sakyamuni Buddha in the land and the vigorous and diligent practice in the land. As early as when the Buddha was still a bodhisattva, he was cut off by the King of Gory without being disgusted; when he was the rabbit king, he jumped into the fire to support the practitioners; he fed the tiger; cut the meat to feed the eagle. If you can't do it, you can do it six times. When the former Buddha mentioned a big king named Pilenglili to Yan Fu, in order to make the following four sentences, he did not hesitate to put a thousand nails on himself, Everything is impermanent and the living suffers. The laws are empty, and I don’t own them. It may seem to us that we do not understand it. In fact, this is the difference between Buddha and us ordinary people. If we all are like Buddha, and even such simple four sentences cherish respect, then everyone has become a Buddha. The sorrow of all beings does not know how to cherish the Fa, and it leads to the fall of the Dharma. In the many lives of Sakyamuni Buddha, there was a lifetime for Yan Fu to mention a big king named Qianli Nipoli. In order to learn from a Brahmin In these four sentences, he spared no effort to dig a thousand holes in his body, then put oil in it, and burned a thousand lamps to support the Brahmin. During the many lives of Sakyamuni Buddha, there was a lifetime for Yan Fu who proposed a prince named Tan Mo Tong and a good priest to learn eight sentences: Often act in kindness, remove the thoughts of indignity. Great sorrow sentient beings, bruised as rain and tears. Practice the method of overjoyed and self-acquired. Rescue is based on Taoism and should be performed by the Bodhisattva. And he put his body into the fire without hesitation and sacrificed his life for the Fa. Buddha had already understood these Fa-rectifications in his predecessors, but why should he pay such a huge price to learn just four sentences? It is because the roots of the sentient beings in our time are so poor that there should have been no Dharma in this five-turbid evil world, but the Buddha Shakyamuni was so sad and hearted that I couldn’t bear to wait for the sufferings of the turbid world. I have the opportunity to learn the Buddha and Dharma from the world. Before the tribulation, when Buddha Shakyamuni was a student, he was a classmate with Maitreya Bodhisattva. He followed his teacher to burn the ancient Buddha and practiced it. The ancient Buddha burned the light. At that time, Maitreya Buddha was the fourth Buddha on earth, Buddha is the fifth Buddha. Maitreya Bodhisattva will become a buddha and be born into the world when the life is 84,000 years later, more than 5.67 billion years in our time, and promote the Dharma. In the long years of the destruction of Kaye Buddha and the failure of Maitreya Bodhisattva, all sentient beings feel that there is no Buddha in the world because of their karma, and they cannot hear the Dharma guide to liberation. Even if the great suffering is poured into the waters of the four seas, it is impossible to write about the sufferings of all beings because of the guidance of the Dharma lamp and the stupidity! ! ! However, the minds of the Buddhas of countless ancestors have been intensively cultivated, and they became Buddha before the Maitreya Bodhisattva. Only then did I have the honour to hear the Dharma in an era where there was no Dharma. How lucky I am, if these great blessings use seven treasures to pile up as high as Mount Xumi, with diamonds all over the earth to compare with the coming of Buddha and the preciousness of Dharma. Qibao and diamonds are worthless! There is no Buddha in the world Incomparable in all directions I see everything in the world Everything is like a Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha
ST Pang M'sia on Google

Peaceful place
gplim7 lim on Google

conducive place for spiritual development
X-erin on Google

i'm very sorry to say this, but me and my aunt had an accident next to this temple. we didn't bring any phone and were desperate for help. i live in the neighborhood. the motorcycle engine wouldn't start and i rang the bells for a few times in hope someone will come to our aid. at the moment, there was a worker and he saw us. we asked if we can borrow his phone but he said he didn't have one. and we're deserted there for about 15 minutes. we rang the bell again and again while asking for his help. we were going to ask him to shoo the violent stray dogs nearby but he ignored us. we had to wait for a long time until a passerby helped us. wish they were a bit considerate.

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