Keris Riverside Chalet - 76300 Sungai Udang

2.5/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Keris Riverside Chalet

Address :

76300 Sungai Udang, Malacca, Malaysia

Categories :
City : Malacca

76300 Sungai Udang, Malacca, Malaysia
Fadzilah Misbah on Google

Konsep chalet tu ada dengan chalet2 berkonsep cabin..kolam renang di tengah2 yg besar..kawasan yg cukuplah untuk santai2..dekorasi dalam setiap bilik cantik..english style gitu.. Cuma agak tidak selesa apabila : 1-owner chalet sgt fussy..salu datang tengok (owner rumah nya bersebelahan chalet).Sekejap2 whatsapp inform tak boleh itu..tak boleh ini..mcm halimunan..tiba2 muncul..perkataan yg plg mudah..cerewet gila..mmg tak selesa 2-ruang tempat bbq & makan diletakkan cctv (tak tau apa motifnya sebab tiada brg berharga pon di situ..simple je dgn meja sebaris..kami yg ramai mmg tak cukup ruang utk makan 3-tempat bbq kecil..kalau byk makanannya lambat la nak masak..(terpaksa ke buat ruang bbq ni?) 4-sebelah rumah owner..sebelah lagi rasanya yg dikatakan sungai (aku rasalah)tapi mcm longkang yg tersumbat..mencacatkan pemandangan..bab konsep riverside chalet tu jauh panggang dr api 5-bila dh smp waktu malam..keluar la bauan yg kurang menyenangkan di bhgn belakang chalet (terdapat lubang kumbahan di situ)sape stay kt chalet bentuk 3 segi kt belakang tu bertabahlah ye 6-kami order karaoke set..charge RM120.. boleh digunakan sehingga jam 12 tgh malam..terbayang gempak la siap audio sistem..sekali yg sampai..set speaker dgn mic seketul (ha..berebut la ko dgn mic seketul ??) baik aku bawak portable set karaoke burung hantu aku dr umah je (nyesal wehhhh) 7-memula decide nak kasik feel perkhemahan utk anak2 remaja kami..kira teenagers tido kt khemahla..tapii...lepas ditanya..satu tapak dikenakan bayaran..lokasi nya bersebelahan lubang kumbahan..di bahagian belakang chalet..ayoo..dh byr the whole chalet..kira kau book satu kawasan tiba2 nak kena bayar lagi utk satu ruang kecil dalam kawasan yg kau dh kami decide bungkus blk khemah..sume masuk tido di dalam bilik.. Secara keseluruhan..motif percutian kami kali ini tidak tercapai sepenuhnya..dan sudah pasti chalet ini kami banned...mari cari lokasi yg lebih menenangkan jiwa tanp peelu memikir...sekejap owner datang nak komen.. Semoga owner chalet ni terbuka menerima komen sy utk penambahbaikan di masa akan dtg dan next penyewa tidak rs kecewa dgn servis yg ditawarkan..umpama indah khabar dr rupa.. Sekian
The concept of the chalet is there with chalets with a cabin concept..a large swimming pool in the middle..sufficient area to relax2..the decoration in each room is beautiful..english style so .. It's just a little uncomfortable when: 1-owner of the chalet is very fussy..please come and see (the owner of the house is next to the chalet). mmg uncomfortable 2-bbq & dining room with cctv (I don't know what the motive is because there are no pounds worth a pound there..simple with a table in a row..we are crowded, we don't have enough space to eat 3-small bbq place..if the food is slow, he wants to cook .. (had to go to make this bbq room?) 4-next to the owner's house..on the other side it tastes like what the river says (I guess) but it's a clogged disfigures the view..the concept of the riverside chalet is far from the fire 5-when dh smp at night .. there is an unpleasant smell in the back of the chalet (there is a sewage hole there) sape stay kt chalet shape 3 sides kt back tu bertabahlah ye 6-we ordered a karaoke set..charge RM120 .. can be used until 12 noon..imagine that the audio system is ready..once it arrives..speaker set with a piece of mic ('s a fight with a piece of mic ? ?) well I brought a portable owl karaoke set from home je (sorry wehhhh) 7-started to decide if I want to feel like camping for our teenage children..I think teenagers don't go to the tent..but ... after being site is charged..its location is next to the sewage the back of the chalet..ayoo. .dh byr the whole chalet..if you book an area, you'll have to pay again for a small space in the area you paid for ... so we decided to pack up the tent..someone went in the room .. Overall..our holiday motive this time was not fully achieved..and of course we banned this chalet ... let's find a location that calms the soul without having to think ... for a moment the owner came to comment .. Hopefully the owner of this chalet is open to receive comments for improvements in the future and the next tenant will not be disappointed with the service looks like good news .. Thank you

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