Madrasah Tahfiz Al Quran Sinaran Baru

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Madrasah Tahfiz Al Quran Sinaran Baru

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Lorong Langsat, Kampung Sinaran Baru, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

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City : 马来西亚 Johor

Lorong Langsat, Kampung Sinaran Baru, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Hanafi Mahfodz on Google

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Terbaik Sebagai Pusat Pendidikan Islam Dan AlQuran yang sentiasa hidup dengan majlis ilmu
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Best As An Islamic Education And Quran Center that always lives with the knowledge council
Ahmad Nur Mohd Mohdi on Google

Madrasah Al Qur'an Sinaran adalah tempat utk Fikir Agama supaya dapat disebarkan keseluruh Alam, dengan usaha dari setiap rumah ujudnya 5 amalan yakni ujudnya baca Al Qur'an dgn Tajwid yg betul dan Bacaan Taklim Fadzilat Amal guna Kitab a. Muntakhob al Hadis b. Fadzilat Amal dan c. Kitab Fadzilat Sedekah. Dan Muzakarah 6 Sifat Sahabat yg mulia. Dan amal Tasykil ikut keperluan agama semasa dan Amal Musyawarat agama. Ini 5 Amal Rumah perlu dihidupka, selaras dgn Hadis Baeti Jannati Rumahku adalah Syirgaku. Setiap Masjid supaya ada Maktab utk mengajar Anak2 dpt baca Al Qur'an dgn betul dan belajar Asas Fardhu A'in. Dan tiap Mesjid berusaha ada sekurangnya ada 1 rumah buat Taklim Mingguan Masturat(Wanita) sekurangnya 3 orang yg berpengalaman jemaah (M) 10 hr. Dan usaha setiap lorong @ tiap blok bgi rumah pangsa ujudkan Taklim Mingguan Masturat dgn penuhi syarat kelayakan. Bagi kaum Lelaki Supaya usaha hidupkan Amal Masjid sebagaimana Amal Masjid di Zaman Baginda Nabi saw di Madinah, yakni Hidupnya amal Dakwah, Taklim, Ibadat dan Khidmat dgn merealisasikan 5 Amal Masjid yakni :1. Musyawarat harian. 2, Pelaksanaan kerja perkara yg di Musyawaratkan dgn Takmir Masjid, (Mengimarahkan Masjid) dibentuk 2 orang /pasang utk Ziarah ahli Qoriah supaya dapat Solat 5 waktu berjemaah, ahli qoriah dapat ujudkan taklim dirumah, dan ahli Qoriah supaya dapat bagi masa utk Imarah Masjid sebaiknya minima 2.5 jam/ hari dan Ahli Qoriah diusahakan kefahaman sebagai Umat Nabi saw adalah umat Da'i Seluruh alam sebagaimana Agama Islam itu Rahmatan lil alaamiin. Penting kefahaman ini dalam Surah Taubat ayat 111: Sesungguhnya Allah swt telah beli harta dan diri orang beriman dengan Syurga utk memperjuangkan Agama Allah, sama ada kamu membunuh @ kamu dibunuh# ini berlaku Zaman Sahabat dalam dakwah dgn korban Nyawa, namun Zaman ini korban Harta dan diri utk perang yg besar yakni memerangi Hawa nafsu yg tak baik. Jihadul akbar. Kita perlu Bacaan Taklim Fadhilat amal di Masjid selama 30 minit hari2.Kemudian buat Amal Gast 1st(Ziarah ingat mengingati) jiran Qoriah. Gast2nd Surau Jiran maksud yg sama utk mengimarahkan masjid(tunaikan hak jiran 40 rumah dari surau kedepan kebelakang kekanan dan kekiri) Gast amalan Minggua dan Bentuk Jem 3 hr setiap jem masjid boleh musyawarat minggu keberapa nak keluar, bentuk jem kecil min 6 orang kluar dgn diberi Bayan Hidayat(Cara2 kluar,maksud dan tujuan kluar) balik 3 hr 72 jam diambil karguzari (laporan kerja) dan Wapsi bayan, Nasehat balik, amal yg perlu dibuat semasa di Mohala. Dan perlu hidupan Abadi Masjid( Amal masjid 24 jam) sebagaimana masjid di Zaman Nabi saw di Madinah.
Madrasah Al-Qur'an Sinaran is a place for the Mind to be spread throughout the Universe, with the efforts of every house in its practice 5 the practice of which is to read the Qur'an with the correct Tajwid and the Reading of the Fadzilat Charity Taklim in the Book a. Muntakhob al Hadis b. Fadzilat Amal and c. Book of Fadzilat Sedekah. And Muzakarah 6 The virtues of noble friends. And the Tasykil charity follows the current religious and religious agenda. These 5 Amal Homes need to be lived, in line with Baeti Jannati My House Hadith is my Syrian. Every mosque to have a Maktab to teach the Children to read the Qur'an correctly and to study the Basic Fardhu A'in. And every mosque is trying to have at least one house for Taklim Weekly Masturat (Women) at least 3 experienced people pilgrims (M) 10 hr. And the quest for every lane @ every block in the flats is the Weekly Masturat Taklim with the qualification requirements. For men To work on Amal Mosque as Amal Mosque in the Prophet's time in Medina, ie Life of Dakwah, Taklim, Worship and Service with the realization of 5 Amal Mosque namely: 1. Daily news. 2, Implementing the work of the mosque with Takmir Mosque, (Aligning the Mosque) was formed by 2 persons / pairs for the pilgrimage of Qoriah members to be able to Prayer 5 during the pilgrimage, the qoriah members could be led at home, and Qoriah members to be able to time for the Mosque Mosque minimum 2.5 hours / day and the Qoriah Experts sought to understand as Ummah The Messenger of Allah was the entire Ummah of the whole world as the Religion of Islam was Rahmatan lil alaamiin. Essential Understanding in this Surah Taubat verse 111: Indeed Allah has bought the wealth and the believers with the heavens to fight the Religion of Allah, whether you kill @ you are killed # This is the Time of the Companions in the preaching of the Soul, but this Age is a victim of the Property and for the great war that is fighting against the bad lust. Jihadul akbar. We need to read the Charity Fadhilat Takhilat at Masjid for 30 minutes day2. Then make Amal Gast 1st (Ziarah remember remembering) neighbor of Qoriah. Gast2nd Surau The same intentions to redirect the mosque (to fulfill 40 neighbors from the surau to the forefront and to the left) Minggua's gastronomy and 3-day Jams form each mosque jam may be a few weeks away, a small jam of 6 people out of date Bayan Hidayat (How to get out, purpose and purpose) back 3 hr 72 hours taken karguzari (work report) and Wapsi bayan, Back Advice, charity to be made during Mohala. And need the Life of the Mosque (Amal 24 hours) as a mosque in the Age of the Prophet in Medina.
hasana thoha on Google

Calm place
M.Yunus Sidi on Google

U are welcome
Abd Rahim mohd on Google

Azzam Rashid on Google

So good this place
Norhana Moohd Noor on Google

This is the best place i learn
Muhammad Saleh on Google

very good place for hafazan & learning 'kitab'

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