Masjid Al-Abrar Taman Muhibbah

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Al-Abrar Taman Muhibbah

Address :

Surau Al-raudah, Taman Muhibbah, 81400 Senai, Johor, Malaysia

Categories :
City : 马来西亚 Johor

Surau Al-raudah, Taman Muhibbah, 81400 Senai, Johor, Malaysia
Muhammad Fathurrahman on Google

Aish Muhd Tan Chan on Google

tempat orang Islam beribadah :)
where Muslims worship :)
Ahmad Nur Mohd Mohdi on Google

Masjid ini cukup Luas dan mencukupi jemaah taman perumahan sekitar untuk Solat berjemaah 5 waktu, Masjid ini berpotensi hidup Small Masjid seperti Di Zaman Rasulullah saw, hidup amal 24 jam, Ada usaha untuk mengimarahkan Masjid, dalam masjid ujud amalan kerohanian Majlis Taklim Fadhilat amal Dan dibentuk beberapa jemaah kecil(2 org) untuk menjemput penduduk supaya manfaat masa lapang utk imarah masjid, Dan setelah Ada yg datang ikut masa lapang indifidu, jem Masjid Sambut dgn Mesra Dan. Muzakarah penting taklim dimasjid Supaya Ahli Qoriah dpt duduk Dengar Taklim Di masjid dan menghidupkan Taklim diRumah dengan 5 Amalan Rummage Sahabiah Nabi saw. Dan Muzakarah Iman Yakin atas Kebesaran Allah swt supaya Imam dapat meningkat, hingga dalam amal Agama penuh keikhlasan, Dan menyedari bahwa kita sebagai umat Nabi saw sebagai Umat Da'i sebagaimana Nabi saw dihantar utk mendakwahkan agama Islam keseluruh Alam dengan mengorbankan harta Dan diri Di Jalan Allah swt tiap tahun 4 Bln, sekurangnya 40 HR, tiap bulan kluar 10 hr, sekurangnya 3 hr, tiap hari luangkan masa 8 Jam sekurangnya 2.5 jam utk imarah Masjid. Dan berusaha utk hidupkan Taklim Mingguan Masturat tiap kawasan, tiap 1(satu TMM) muat 30 orang kalau qoriah Ada kaum wanita 300 orang, perlu diujudkan 10 temps Taklim Mingguan Masturat. Dan tiap Surya @ Masjid perlu diujudkan Maktab Al Qur'an Dan Fardhu A'in untuk kanak 2.supaya. kanak2 boleh Baca Al Qur'an dengan betul Dan tahu hukum ahkam supaya kenal perintah Dan larangan Allah swt.
This mosque is spacious enough and accommodates the surrounding community garden for 5-hour prayer, the mosque has the potential to live a small mosque such as in the time of the Messenger of Allah, live a 24-hour charity. a few small congregations (2 orgs) to invite the residents for their leisure time for the mosque, And after some came for indefinite free time, jam the Welcome Mosque Dan An important session of the mosque is to be offered so that Qoriahs can sit in the mosque and turn on the Mosque in the House with 5 Rummage Practices of the Holy Prophet. And the Faith of the Faith in the Greatness of Allah swt to increase the Imam, to the true religion, and realize that we are the Prophet (saws) as the Prophet (saws) sent to proclaim Islam all over the world by sacrificing property and on the Road. Allah swt every 4 Months, at least 40 HR, every month expires 10 hr, at least 3 hr, every day spend 8 Hours at least 2.5 hours for the Imara Mosque. And trying to turn on the weekly Weekly Climate Summary, each 1 (one TMM) of 30 people if there are 300 women, need to set up 10 temps of the weekly Weekend. And every Solar @ Mosque needs to establish a Qur'anic and Fardhu A'in College for children. children can read the Qur'an correctly and know the law of Ahkam to know Allah's command and prohibition.
Mohamad Noor Hakim Bin Jamil on Google

Tempat ibadah yang yg dari surau bertukar menjadi masjid. Memang sgt seronok dapat Tgk perkembangan masjid ni. Selesa solat SBB ada aircond ada kipas banyak . Dan kebanyak aset masjid dah ditukar baru . Syabas bagi pihak masjid dalam pengurusan.
The place of worship from the surau turned into a mosque. It's really fun to see the development of this mosque. Comfortable SBB prayer there is aircond there are many fans. And many of the mosque's assets have been converted. Congratulations on behalf of the mosque in management.
Nazmul islam razu on Google
rizzal arizzal on Google

CIP expanding
Harolhezat Abdul Wahab on Google

Love it.

This is a very comfortable mosque, it have a lot of space to pray, it also have air conditioner and separate room for women to pray...

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