
4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pasxcel

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2, Jalan Merbah 1, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

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Opening hours :
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
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2, Jalan Merbah 1, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
fooji on Google

When I first joined Pasxcel, I was rather unfamiliar with the concept of online homeschooling, and so it was something that caused quite a few doubts to spring in my mind, but I decided to give it a try anyway since I figured there would also be benefits. The teaching methods in Pasxcel are thorough and highly interactive with the class, they ensure each and every student understands and it ultimately makes room for an innovative, nurturing environment. Pasxcel can be described as Creative, innovative, and ambitious. My previous schools tended to ignore the troubles I faced when it came to other students, telling me to “ignore them” or “let them be”. Here in Pasxcel, they encourage a civil environment and take the necessary means to create one. In Pasxcel, I feel that my voice is heard and that I can learn at a rhythmic, advanced pace. After I joined Pasxcel, the environment instilled confidence in me that I wouldn’t be the same person without it. I have been encouraged to use my voice and I am no longer hesitant to speak for myself. After spending enough time in a cultivating environment, my potential began to unravel on its own with the right amount of encouragement. Online school may not have physical interaction, but it still has many communal opportunities where you can bond with your peers, it also removes the sense of intimidation that can be caused by physical size differences. The smaller number of students in each class helps with general management as it is easier to teach fewer people at a time. Although most would deem it odd, it is ultimately efficient. One of the most important things I’ve learned from Pasxcel is how to speak. Not just to speak well, but to speak with confidence. Knowing how to use your voice is an endlessly important life skill. They often use real-life examples and actually demonstrate how you can use these methods and principles in reality. My past grades ranged from Cs to Bs and the occasional A-, but after integrating myself in Pasxcel my grades began to spring into straight As except for second languages, I used to be very apathetic towards studying, and even though I'm not the most studious person in the world, I’ve significantly improved. Pasxcel has shown me the importance of learning and understanding how to learn, and I want to be able to apply whatever knowledge I receive in my everyday life to the best of my ability. Ren, Singapore, Pasxcel Student
Neko on Google

I didn’t sign up for Pasxcel. My dad did. I wasn’t too keen on online schooling because I wanted to go to a physical school. After the pandemic, we had to do online classes, which was terrible. I was just playing games instead of focusing in class, and the teacher never asked me a question. But I think Pasxcel changed my mind about online schooling. I hate the way my previous school teaches; I only like physical schooling because I get to do exercises and hang out with friends. Pasxcel is very different; however, some teachers make the class fun. We have no chance to turn off our cam and mic. We all have to answer and share an opinion which I like because it makes the class active and lively. It was awkward at first to talk and be active in online class; however, the teachers encouraged me to talk more, which I didn’t want to do at first, but slowly I started talking more without even realizing it and having fun in class making friends. When I was in my previous school, there wasn’t much guidance from the teacher. All they wanted the students to do was study and pass the exams and tests. They were very quick with their teaching, and I could not keep up. And I was a timid person, so I couldn’t bring myself to ask any questions at all, and that affected my grade. However, the teachers in Pasxcel are very different from any other schools I’ve been in. They focus a lot on the students themselves and aim to make them more social and talkative. Some classes, initially I found boring, now I look forward and am always excited to join because the teacher makes it fun. I have changed a lot after joining Pasxcel. They have made me socialize more and have more confidence in myself. They motivated me to study and work harder and made me a better person. I used to be a sluggish person, but now I am consistently finding a way to improve my quality of life, like exercising and trying to learn a new talent. Some parents may think the online school may be boring for their kids. And to be honest, It was like that in my previous school. I would either play video games or fall asleep because all I did was listen and do nothing. However, Pasxcel changed that by telling students to turn on the cam and mic, and the class is fun, so I would rather stay awake and focus on lessons. I have learned a lot from Pasxcel. Socializing has been easier for me, and I want to talk to people more. I don’t feel afraid to ask questions, and my confidence has increased. I am thankful for what teachers at Pasxcel have done. Aidil Farhin Terengganu, Malaysia Pasxcel student
Sameer on Google

Because of the pandemic, all schools went online, and it was the worst thing to ever happen to us. No one opened their cameras in class or told the tr, “I don’t have a mic.” I hated online classes and wished to move to a country that doesn’t have online until I found Pasxcel. On my first day, I thought I wouldn't have any friends because it was online and classes would be the same boring. The only difference is that the students will be speaking, and their cameras will be turned on. Time by time, I started noticing that these teachers arent those same boring teachers like in my old school who only focused on finishing the syllabus. The teachers focus more on the students and what their weaknesses are. If the student still doesn't understand what the teacher thought in class, they can always go and watch the class recording again, and if they still need help, maybe extra class, the teachers will never say no or say, ‘I’m busy, sorry.” The teachers over here made me feel more confident about my work and made me more responsible with the homework they gave me to do. If I ever have any issues with my assignments, I can message the teachers on discord, and they will reply to me in less than an hour. Not just that, I feel that the teachers at Pasxcel tell me when I go wrong compared to other schools. My teachers didn’t care much if we passed or failed at my previous school. They would just say, “Well, you should study harder next time.” I love Pasxcel’s grading system because there are no ranking systems such as first place, second place, and third place. I love this because, as you know, Asian parents love comparing, and they only want you to see you top and be number one. Many parents and students feel that online learning is boring and lonely. Still, Pasxcel online learning isn’t dull for me, especially after the immersion trip after I met and spent time with the teachers and students and thought the teachers in Pasxcel were just different from my ex-teachers. When I came to Pasxcel, the teachers helped me change. They taught me how to study, answer questions, and improve my work. I’m still not perfect, but I'm slowly learning. Pasxcel even taught me a bit of coding, which was fun, and I learned a lot because coding is about telling the computer what to do, just like teacher Rasyad says, “Telling the dumbest person what to do.” In my opinion, Pasxcel is a great school. The teachers never give up on you and always support you. If I had to describe Pasxcel in 3 words, it would probably be a very wholesome school! Sameer Zeeshan KL, Malaysia/ Karachi, Pakistan Pasxcel Student
caylen kirana on Google

I doubted enrolling in Pasxcel because the thought of online homeschooling had never come to me. I chose Pasxcel because of my first interview with one of the teachers, which was when I could tell that Pasxcel is different from the other schools. I like that the teaching methods shown in Pasxcel are actually effective and make the lesson more enjoyable. I would describe Pasxcel in 3 words fun, futuristic and wonderful. Before I joined Pasxcel the teachers in my past school would continually dismiss me whenever I wanted help with my work. They would often say that they would check their schedule and discuss it with me but never replied when I asked them about it. The community at Pasxcel is much different from my past school. Teachers here are much more energetic and eager to teach the class than teachers in my past school who seemed like teaching class was a chore. Any doubts and I can contact my teachers via Discord. Their replies when I reach out are instant and very helpful. My self-esteem was at an all-time low when I first joined Pasxcel. After just 2 semesters here, there is a huge difference in how I participate in class and my overall outlook on school. My teachers have helped me by supporting me and pushing me, giving me more opportunities to gain confidence and be more comfortable in class. I'm going to be honest, I didn’t have many close friends in my past school. In Pasxcel, I’m much closer with my classmates and teachers. Usually in the second half of the lesson, we will do some activities together or in groups. Teachers at Pasxcel give pre-class activities like quizzes and videos so that we students know what we’re going to learn and to have a bit of understanding about the topic. Pasxcel teachers actually interact with students and not just read off a book or presentation. Sometimes me and my friends stay back after class to clear our understanding or just to chat about our personal lives. It feels like the teachers actually care about what’s going on with students. The most useful thing I’ve learned here at Pasxcel is how to speak up and present. I used to just read off paper and slides with nothing in my voice. Knowing how to speak is an important part of going about life, I’m glad Pasxcel has also taught me things other than academics. I know this is a wonderful advantage for me to have in the future and is a great life skill. People have said how they notice me being more confident and that it is easier for me to speak up generally in my everyday life. Before joining Pasxcel, I had no motivation to actually do any work and would often slack off in class like watching Youtube videos and playing around. Now, I’m able to focus and understand what the teacher is teaching. Class is not boring anymore and sometimes it’s the best part of my day. Having a supportive community has helped me greatly with getting to how I am now. Any doubts and I can immediately reach my teachers via Discord Pasxcel has made a huge difference in my life for the better. Caylen, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Pasxcel Student
RL “RLS2578Playz” Suriar on Google

I chose Pasxcel because it doesn’t have too many lessons and it’s easy to keep up manage my time. The teaching methods that are interactive also help me understand the lessons. The teachers teach us in a way that is easy to follow. The school is cool and fun. I felt welcomed when I joined my first class. Teachers here make online learning fun and classes here are not as boring as the ones in my previous school. It was easy to keep up with my lessons here. My grades before Pasxcel weren't very good and my mindset for studying was bad but it has changed over the time spent here. Over time, my grades increased and so did my interest to learn. Roshan 14 years old Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Pasxcel Student
Lovely Alisa on Google

When my parents told me I was gonna start online homeschooling, I was pretty curious and a bit nervous. I like how they take their time in teaching and don’t immediately scold the students if they don’t understand. In my previous school, they treated me poorly by calling me names and hitting me sometimes. Sometimes, even scolding you if you don’t understand, which is really sad talking about it now. I was treated poorly by my teachers there and sometimes friends but yet I stayed with them, keeping my mouth shut. When I transferred to Pasxcel, I was showered with love by my new friends and the teachers are really patient with me and I’m so far really happy to be here. In my previous school, I used to be very shy, sensitive,quiet and barely passed my exams. I didn’t have much motivation either. Now, I’m trying to be less shy, attempting to talk more and my grades are so far okay! I still don’t have much motivation but I'm trying. I became more talkable and approachable. My friends and teachers made these happen by helping me, letting me rant sometimes and be patient with me! Social interaction in online learning allows students to share their ideas on different topics with each other. It’s very easy to make friends and not get made fun of unless that’s how your humour works. To me, schooling isn't really the same. I used to have 30+ students in my class with one teacher. Our class is known to be the most problematic class in the whole school. It would stress the teacher a lot and they don’t pay much attention to students. Pasxcel is very different because there are up to 8+ students and they pay attention to the students as well. Being more sociable helps in being more talkative, less nervous during presentations and making friends with ease. I used to get a D in maths, science and Malay. I was very shy and not that active. Now, my grades are slowly getting better, with the help of my teachers. They made me understand the subjects more and I am less confused. I’m still shy but I’m working on it. I’m trying my hardest to be more active in participation. What helped me get motivated are my classmates, my new friends and the teachers. They made me so happy, I wish I could be the very best for them. ?<33 If I could describe Pasxcel in three words, it would be unique, organised and fun!!! Ayra, Selangor Malaysia, Pasxcel Student!!<3
Bing ChiLing on Google

Pasxcel was a good fit for me as I didn't want to go to physical school because it was getting tiring for me. Learning online was difficult at first but having good parents and teachers help me with the transition. The teachers here are cool and very nice which keeps me motivated to attend Pasxcel as compared to my previous school. Besides academics, Pasxcel has thought me about time management and teamwork which would help me in my future studies and career. Overall, I am motivated to strive for better with the help of Pasxcel.
Lulu on Google

When joining Pasxcel, It was scary since there were new people like meeting new friends all over again, but it seemed good so I decided to give it a try. Teachers here always make sure the students are ready for the next question by asking them “Is everyone done?” and how they interact is really nice and friendly At Pasxcel, teachers here are definitely much better and freer as compared to my old school where I had trouble understanding teachers. The teachers here are way more friendly and active and they are far more approachable. Teachers here interact with us more than in other schools and don’t make studying sound like a lecture. They allow us to have fun with chit-chats here and there on top of learning. In my previous school, I felt that I wasn’t treated like how others were since I didn't understand their language that well but here in Pasxcel it was more welcoming and it doesn’t have any pressure to fit in at all. When I entered Pasxcel, my grades were quite bad, being F’s, C’s and D’s. It has definitely improved over time. Pasxcel made me understand my studies better. I wasn’t interested in studying at all and I lacked a lot. After I joined Pasxcel I was more convinced to study to get better with the help of my teachers<33 Leeloo, ? Selangor, Malaysia Pasxcel Student !!

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