Persatuan Penganut Dewa Hong Xian Da Di

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1993, Jalan Sembilang, Kampung Pok, 81550 Gelang Patah, Johor, Malaysia

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City : 马来西亚 Johor

1993, Jalan Sembilang, Kampung Pok, 81550 Gelang Patah, Johor, Malaysia
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Hongxian Dadi Temple
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泊港洪仙大帝庙 泊港洪仙大帝庙主座为洪仙大帝。早期柔南一带包括士古来八哩半、五间店以及振林山原始荒凉,遍地丛林,毒蛇猛虎常常出没。因此,坊间兴起祀拜“三脚白虎”的化身洪仙大帝,以祈求保佑平安。2002年6月23日,南方学院“搜集柔佛潮人历史资料合作计划”工作小组在泊港的洪仙大帝庙,发现两面咸丰年间的木刻匾额。其中一面“众位诸神”匾额刻有“咸丰癸丑年”(1853年),另一面“明惪进香”匾额刻有“咸丰辛酉年”(1861年)。这两块匾额是目前已知的新山地区古庙中年代最为久远的历史文物,证明1853年已有华人到此拓殖,比新山开埠年代(1855年)还早。 振林山 三十年代的振林山是闻名东南亚的小镇。从木薯到黄梨和甘蜜,那个时候的振林山是当代人都向往的花花世界。据闻,从外国寄来的信件,只要在信封上以中文写下“马来亚柔佛振林山某氏收”,就一定可以送达。 但是,在遭到日本皇军铁骑肆意蹂躏之后,曾经的火树银花,只剩下残墙败瓦。这个小镇,自此繁华落尽。 时隔多年,振林山逐渐恢复生命力,历史的伤痕已然成为过眼云烟。 断镯振新 “从前有位爱狩猎的王子,带着他的妻子来到这里,碰巧手镯断掉了,他问了随从这个地方的名字,却没有人知道,所以马来地名才叫做Gelang Patah。”对柔南历史覃思研精的文史工作者舒庆祥介绍道。 而振林山中文名字的由来,其中一个说法,是郑荆伦和郑荆召两兄弟在开辟振林山之后,因为资金不足,求助新马教育家林文庆的公司——振和号。这块依山傍水的洞天福地,从此被唤作“振林山”。 “这个名字和这个地方非常搭,因为当时候的振林山是一片茂密的森林。” “振林山是大马其中一个华人最早来到的地方,它的特点就是华人用人力、财力开辟的。”舒庆祥说,振林山凝聚了当地华人的力量,早期的华人从士古来迁移,而柔佛州的第一张港契就发给了士古来的华人。 洪仙大帝 泊港的洪仙大帝庙里,有一块被香雾熏成深褐色的牌匾。 匾额上,“众位诸神”四个大字的右侧,两行金黄色的小字格外显眼——“咸丰葵丑年仲夏立。阳历一八五三年。” 据悉,柔南一带包括士古来八哩半、五间店以及振林山原始荒凉,遍地丛林,毒蛇猛虎常常出没。因此,坊间兴起祀拜“三脚白虎”的化身——洪仙大帝,祈求保佑平安。 “根据我们的考证,这座庙是新山、柔南地区最早的一建庙宇。因为有一张牌匾是咸丰年间的,而新山最早的牌匾是同治年间。”说到这里,舒老先生眼神发亮,“从这点推断,新山最早的庙宇是泊港这座洪仙大帝庙。” 一百多年前,洪仙大帝静驻于此,庇佑山城平安兴旺 大展荆伦 来自福建德化县的郑氏兄弟——郑荆召、郑荆伦,约在1919年在士古来八哩半处开始垦荒。壮志凌云的郑氏兄弟,经过十年的奋斗,终于开发至振林山。据称,当地除了种植橡胶之外,尚遍植黄梨。 舒庆祥说道,“振林山开辟是在1929年,它能闻名天下是因为罐头黄梨,主要是销售到欧美等地。老街场还有一排L形的建筑物,五脚基是没有柱的,这在马来西亚和新加坡都很少见的。” 已故振林山第一任县议员黄带存的弟弟黄带财指出,早期的振林山和现在的老街没什么太大的变化,只是以前中间的大树已经被砍伐,铺成道路。“店面只有28间,后面才有起到后面(新区)的店。以前四周围除了甘蜜和黄梨,主要都是橡胶园。” 振林山老街中央的大树,现在已铺成道路 从前,振林山主要的运输工具是船。“听我祖母说,所运的货物都是从后面的这条河运出去。在我十几岁的时候,就慢慢废弃了。” 黄带财说,后来交通发达,运输船只逐渐被淘汰。这条河也随着环境的变化逐渐萎缩,久而久之,在河畔静观船只穿梭往来的情景,成为了当地人回忆里泛黄的书签。 日军毁城 到了1942年初,日本皇军侵袭振林山,朝施暮戮、民不聊生,黄梨厂等建筑物都破坏殆尽。居民东奔西逃,人口因而锐减。面目全非的振林山,昔日的繁华恍如隔世。 黄带财手上的一本1982年出版的关于明德学校的史册写着这么一段文字:“1942年3月5日清早,日本皇军捉了当地300多名居民,用铁线缚着他们的双手,然后以尖刀刺杀,或以机关枪射杀,300多条无辜的生命就这样白白牺牲了。” 他指着门上的牌匾回忆道,“我听我的祖母说,她和我的祖父下南洋,带着这块牌匾,那时候振林山刚刚才开发,店还很新,有的店甚至还没有开始营业,我们就已经在这里落脚了。那时候日本军队还没有来。” 民国18年,黄带财的祖父母带着这块牌匾落脚振林山 “开不久,日本军队就来了。我的公公就给日本抓走了,一去不回头。那时候,我父亲在新加坡华侨中学念书。我的祖母只有一个儿子,就让他回来接手公公的理发店。” “我比较幸运,1944年日军投降的时候,我刚好出生。” 空中的一抹灰 1977年12月10号,振林山的上空发生大马史上第一起空难。这架航班编号为MH653的客机,载有100余名乘客和机组人员,不幸全数罹难。 舒庆祥说道,在飞机坠毁的现场,飞机残骸、肉块、行李,散落各处,所有罹难者的身份都难以辨认。“没有一具尸体是完整的。” 事后,百名罹难者置放在七个灵柩,合葬在新山古文茶公墓,马航也在此处建立一个纪念碑,希望罹难者的魂魄得以安息。 “当时的年代,日本赤军在全世界进行这种活动,骑劫轮船、骑劫飞机,所以我们就怀疑这是骑劫。但是,到今天为止还是没有一个很明确的答案。” 两岸的桥梁 “振林山能够这么出名是有很多因素的,除了早年的发展,还有就是因为新马两地来往密切。新加坡独立之后,经济发展地很快,很多华人到新加坡去,振林山人尤其明显。” 舒庆祥说道,“以我自己为例,我的父母也是从振林山到新加坡去。我们在那边上学、上班。” 新加坡庆祝建国50周年,为了致谢对新加坡作出贡献的人,当局颁发“建国一代”的奖项。舒庆祥说道,“获奖名单上有很多是振林山人。” “新马两地来往密切,交通问题很麻烦,新柔长提每天拥堵,政府后来开辟马新第二条通道,这是振林山发展史上的一个里程碑。” 现在的振林山已经成为新加坡和马来西亚人民来往的枢纽,许多新加坡游客也会到这里来,品尝新鲜的海味。 觑准了振林山的潜能,政府在2006年宣布了一项大计划。“10多年前,政府就宣布了依斯干达特区的计划,就要发展这个地方。这个依斯干达特区是很大的,包括新山、振林山采取很多优惠政策,吸引很多外国投资,尤其新加坡。” 舒庆祥进一步说道,由于马中关系逐渐升温,再加上中国颁布的“一带一路”政策,现在有越来越多的中国公民来到大马投资。“第一个地方就是碧桂园金海湾,后来就是森林城市。” 此外,被划分为依斯干达特区旗舰B区的美迪尼,亦凭借优越的地理位置,得到众多鸿商富贾的垂青。 如日方升的美迪尼,就坐落在振林山和新山的中间 说起伊斯干达特区,黄带财感慨道,“陈文确(马新闻人)的橡胶园,还有公主港那一带都被征用了。以前马来人的甘榜也被征用。有的就搬来振林山,(当局)也有赔偿。现在(美迪尼)好像变成一个大城市了。 对此,舒庆祥做出总结,“没有振林山早年的发展,就没有美迪尼如今的建设。”
Bogang Hongxian the Great Temple The main seat of Bogang Hongxian the Great Temple is Hongxian the Great. The early Joonan area included eight and a half miles of Skudai, five stores, and Zhenlin Mountain. Therefore, there is a rise in the market to worship the incarnation of the "three-legged white tiger" Hong Xian the Great, in order to pray for safety. On June 23, 2002, the Southern College’s "Collaborative Project for Collecting Historical Data of Johor People" found a woodcut plaque from the Xianfeng period on both sides at the Hong Xian Dadi Temple in Perth. On one side of the plaque "The Gods" is engraved with "Xianfeng Kuichou Year" (1853), and on the other side, "Mingde Jinxiang" plaque is engraved with "Xianfeng Xinyou Year" (1861). These two plaques are the oldest known historical relics among the ancient temples in the Johor Bahru area, which proves that the Chinese colonized here in 1853, which is earlier than the opening of Johor Bahru (1855). Zhenlin Mountain Zhenlin Mountain in the 1930s was a famous town in Southeast Asia. From cassava to pineapple and sweet honey, Zhenlinshan at that time was the colorful world that contemporary people yearn for. According to reports, a letter sent from a foreign country can be delivered as long as it is written in Chinese on the envelope "A certain clan in Zhenlinshan, Johor, Malaya". However, after being ravaged by the Japanese imperial army's iron cavalry, there were only dilapidated walls and shattered walls that used to be. This small town has since disappeared from its prosperity. After many years, Zhenlin Mountain has gradually regained its vitality, and the scars of history have become fleeting. Broken bracelet Zhenxin "Once upon a time, a prince who loved hunting came here with his wife. By chance, the bracelet was broken. He asked the name of the place he followed, but no one knew it. That's why the Malay place name was called Gelang Patah." Dui Rou Shu Qingxiang, a literary and historian of Southern History Tan Siyan, introduced. As for the origin of the Chinese name of Zhenlin Mountain, one of the claims is that two brothers Zheng Jinglun and Zheng Jingzhao, after developing Zhenlin Mountain, turned to the company of Singapore and Malaysia educator Lin Wenqing, Zhenhe, because of insufficient funds. This blessed land, surrounded by mountains and rivers, has since been called "Zhenlin Mountain". "The name matches this place very well, because at that time Zhenlin Mountain was a dense forest." "Zhenlin Mountain is one of the earliest places where the Chinese came to Malaysia. It is characterized by the Chinese people's use of human and financial resources." Shu Qingxiang said that Zhenlin Mountain has gathered the strength of the local Chinese. The early Chinese migrated from Skudai, while Johor The first Hong Kong deed of the state was issued to the Chinese in Skudai. Emperor Hongxian In the temple of Emperor Hongxian in Bogang, there is a plaque that was smoked into dark brown by incense mist. On the plaque, on the right side of the four large characters "All the Gods", the two lines of small golden characters are particularly conspicuous-"Xianfeng Kuichou Year will rise in midsummer. The Gregorian calendar is 1853." It is reported that the Joonan area includes eight and a half miles of Skudai, five stores, and the primitive desolate of Zhenlin Mountain, full of jungles, and snakes and tigers often appear. Therefore, there is a rise in the market to worship the incarnation of the "three-legged white tiger"-Hongxian the Great, and pray for safety. "According to our research, this temple is the earliest temple built in Johor Bahru and Joonam. Because there is a plaque from the Xianfeng period, and the earliest plaque in Johor Bahru is from the Tongzhi period." At this point, Mr. Shu Lao's eyes lit up. "From this point, it is inferred that the earliest temple in Johor Bahru is the Great Emperor Hongxian Temple in Bogang." Over a hundred years ago, the Great Emperor Hongxian stayed here to protect the peaceful and prosperous mountain city Great Exhibition Jing Lun The Zheng brothers, Zheng Jingzhao and Zheng Jinglun, from Dehua County, Fujian Province, began reclamation in about 1919 at eight and a half miles from Skudai. After ten years of hard work, the aspiring Zheng brothers finally developed to Zhenlin Mountain. It is said that in addition to the rubber plantation, yellow pears are planted everywhere. Shu Qingxiang said, "Zhenlin Mountain was opened in 1929. It became famous because of the canned pineapples, which are mainly sold to Europe and the United States. There is also a row of L-shaped buildings in the old street market, and the five-foot base has no pillars. This is rare in Malaysia and Singapore." Huang Daicai, the younger brother of the late Zhenlinshan County Councillor Huang Daicun, pointed out that the early days of Zhenlinshan and the current old street have not changed much, except that the big trees in the middle have been cut down and paved roads. "There are only 28 stores, and there are shops in the back (new area). In the past, except for sweet honey and pineapple, the surrounding areas were mainly rubber plantations." The big tree in the center of Zhenlinshan Old Street is now paved In the past, Zhenlinshan's main means of transportation was boats. "I heard from my grandmother that all the goods were transported from the river behind. When I was a teenager, it was slowly abandoned." Huang Daicai said that after the traffic was developed, transport ships were gradually eliminated. The river gradually shrank with the changes in the environment. Over time, watching the boats passing by on the riverside became a yellowing bookmark in the memories of the locals. Japanese army destroys the city By the beginning of 1942, the Japanese imperial army invaded Zhenlin Mountain, slaughtered the government, the people were dying, and the Huanglichang and other buildings were destroyed. Residents fled from east to west, resulting in a sharp decline in population. The unrecognizable Zhenlin Mountain, the prosperous past seems like a world away. Huang Daicai’s historical annals about Mingde School published in 1982 wrote this paragraph: "In the early morning of March 5, 1942, the Japanese Imperial Army captured more than 300 local residents and bound them with iron wires. With both hands, then stabbed with a sharp knife or shot with a machine gun, more than 300 innocent lives were sacrificed in vain." He pointed to the plaque on the door and recalled, "I heard my grandmother say that she and my grandfather went to Nanyang with this plaque. At that time, Zhenlin Mountain was just developed and the store was still very new. We have already settled here without opening business. At that time, the Japanese army had not come." In the 18th year of the Republic of China, Huang Daicai’s grandparents took this plaque and settled in Zhenlin Mountain. "Shortly after the opening, the Japanese army came. My father-in-law was captured by Japan and never looked back. At that time, my father was studying at the Overseas Chinese High School in Singapore. My grandmother only had one son, so he asked him to come back to take over the father-in-law's. Barber Shop." "I was lucky. When the Japanese army surrendered in 1944, I was born." A dust in the air On December 10, 1977, the first air crash in Malaysian history occurred over Zhenlin Mountain. This passenger plane, numbered MH653, carried more than 100 passengers and crew, and unfortunately all of them were killed. Shu Qingxiang said that at the crash site, the wreckage, pieces of meat, and luggage were scattered everywhere, and the identities of all the victims were illegible. "No corpse is complete." Afterwards, a hundred victims were placed in seven coffins and buried together at the Guwencha Cemetery in Johor Bahru. Malaysia Airlines also built a monument here, hoping that the souls of the victims would rest in peace. "In those days, the Japanese Red Army carried out such activities all over the world, hijacking ships and planes, so we suspected that this was a robbery. However, as of today, there is still no clear answer." Bridge across the strait "There are many reasons why Zhenlin Mountain is so famous. In addition to its early development, it is also because of the close exchanges between Singapore and Malaysia. After Singapore's independence, the economy developed rapidly. Many Chinese went to Singapore, especially the people of Zhenlin Mountain. " Shu Qingxiang said, "Take myself as an example. My parents also went to Singapore from Zhenlin Mountain. We go to school and work there." Singapore celebrates the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In order to thank those who have contributed to Singapore, the authorities awarded the "Founding Generation" award. Shu Qingxiang said, "Many of the winners are from Zhenlin Mountain." "Singapore and Malaysia are close to each other, traffic problems are troublesome, Xinrou Changti is congested every day, and the government later opened a second channel between Malaysia and Singapore. This is a milestone in the development history of Zhenlin Mountain." Now Zhenlin Mountain has become a hub for the people of Singapore and Malaysia. Many Singaporean tourists will also come here to taste fresh seafood. Acknowledging the potential of Zhenlin Mountain, the government announced a big plan in 2006. "More than 10 years ago, the government announced the plan for the Iskandar Special Zone to develop this place. This Iskandar Special Zone is very large, including Johor Bahru and Zhenlin Mountain, which have adopted many preferential policies to attract a lot of foreign investment, especially Singapore." Shu Qingxiang further said that due to the gradual warming of Malaysia-China relations, coupled with China's "One Belt One Road" policy, more and more Chinese citizens are now coming to Malaysia to invest. "The first place was Country Garden Golden Bay, and then Forest City." In addition, Medini, which is divided into the flagship B area of ​​the Iskandar Special Zone, has also won the favor of many businessmen and wealthy merchants due to its superior geographical location. Medini, which is rising like the sun, is located between Zhenlin Mountain and Johor Bahru Speaking of Iskandar Special Zone, Huang Daicai said with emotion, “The rubber plantation of Chen Wenquai (Ma Newsman) and the area around Puerto Princesa have been requisitioned. The Malay kampongs were also requisitioned. Yes. So he moved to Zhenlin Mountain, and (the authorities) also paid compensation. Now (Medini) seems to have become a big city. In this regard, Shu Qingxiang concluded, "Without the early development of Zhenlin Mountain, there would be no current construction of Medini."
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