Restoran Thaqwa Signature

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Restoran Thaqwa Signature

Address :

Jalan Nakhoda Kiri, Kampung Nakhoda, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia

Categories :

Jalan Nakhoda Kiri, Kampung Nakhoda, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia
HASWAN Niaga on Google

Restoran ini baru dibuka dan keadaan dalam restoran ini adalah bersih. Sayangnya pengendali makanan tidak memakai penutup rambut. Roti Canai yang disediakan agak sedap dan bertekstur lembut. Kuah dal pun agak pekat juga. Meja makan agak terhad sebab restoran ini kecil sahaja. Lebih baik beli bungkus dan bawa balik makan di rumah tambahan sekarang masih dalam Pandemik COVID-19. Roti Canai dijual dengan harga RM1.00 dan air suam diberikan secara percuma.
The restaurant has just opened and the situation in this restaurant is clean. Unfortunately food handlers do not wear hair covers. The Roti Canai provided is quite tasty and has a soft texture. The dal sauce is also quite thick. Dining tables are quite limited because the restaurant is small. Better buy packs and bring back extra home meals now still in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Roti Canai is sold for RM1.00 and warm water is provided free of charge.
daniel hulk on Google

nice place. good food..

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