
3.4/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Watsons

Address :

PT3033 - PT3039 (Grd & 1st Flr, Jln Pasir Puteh - Gong Kelih, 2/4, 16800 Pasir Puteh, Kelantan, Malaysia

Categories :
City : kelantan

PT3033 - PT3039 (Grd & 1st Flr, Jln Pasir Puteh - Gong Kelih, 2/4, 16800 Pasir Puteh, Kelantan, Malaysia
adnan khafiz on Google

muhd adam abu ramiah on Google

Siti Nur Atiqah Binti Mohd Saidi on Google

Shahirah Zulkifli on Google

Kedai okay. Tapi pekerja dekat kaunter/cashier tu agak annoying. Dia nk promote brng lepas kite nk byr kan, even though sy dah cakap sy tak nk, still tny mcm pakse sy beli. 3 kali tny and 3 kali jgk lah sy tolak. Dah ckp taknk kan, buat ape beli brng yg kite pon tak nk gune. Siap ambk 2-3 brng tnjuk dekat sy. Org ckp sekali sudah lah. Dah feel uncomfortable nk pergi Watsons pasir puteh, wlupon excited gile mase mule2 open. Please do better! Disappointed gile
Farah Aleysa on Google

Pihak pengurusan Watson tolong pilih staff betul2 ya, jgn ambil yg buat keje nk xnk sambil lewa saja. First and last saya dtg Watson cawangan ni. Saya beratur dah la lama, ok tu xpe lagi, bila tiba sampai turn saya nk bayar, ada dua staf perempuan kt satu meja kaunter tu, pakat buat dekk je mcm saya ni tggul kayu. Lama gila kot tggu kt kaunter tu, barang dah letak semua dah atas meja, sekali dgn member card lagi. Saya tgk dia, dia tgk saya, pastu buat2 sibuk. Tggu la lagi hampir 15-20 minit kot, xingat dah, tapi lama la tggu. Tapi berdua tu buat2 sibuk apa tah, org yg beratur blkg saya pun dah pegi, sampai saya sendiri yg tanya, "kt sini xleh bayar ke?", Dia jawab, " ha xleh bayar, bayar kt sebelah". Ehh akuu, berapi kot, kenapa tak bagitahu awal2?? sampai turn aku tetiba pulak xleh bayar situ, at least bagitau lah aku awal2, pegi ke kaunter sebelah ye,ha boleh je aku terima. Nak harap aku faham keje korang mmg tak lah, berat mulut sgt ke nk ckp kt aku yg kau sibuk, so Aku kena g bayar kt kaunter sebelah tu. Sebelum ke kaunter sebelah tu saya cakap la kt dia "oh kenapa tak cakap?", pastu boleh pulak staf berdua tu berbisik2 mengata aku. Hangin la aku, Aku tggu lama dpn korang, boleh kau buat bisu je, kalau sejam Aku tggu situ, sejam jugak la kau sidai aku. Mulut busuk sangat ke yg sampai xleh nk cakap yg kaunter kau tiba2 nk tutup, mekap muka tu biar seiring dgn mekap perangai sekali eh, masa interview dulu xde training dulu ye. Buang masa saya saja. Mentang2 la saya pakai selekeh x kaya, mcm apa je layan saya. Saya baca nametag, sorang senior assistant sorg lagi cashier, pihak pengurusan tolong perhati ye dua org ni terutamanya yg senior assistant tu, kt muka dia kot aku tggu, nk cakap buta kang marah. Mmg totally ignore saya. Ingat saya dtg ni nk mintak duit dia ke apa, saya dtg ni nk bayar bukan nk mengemis. Tapi cashier sorang lagi yg kaunter satu lagi tu ok je bagus, cuma tolong perhati kan yg berdua tu saja.Rabu 26/1/22 jam 3:55 pm , check la staff mana bertugas masa tu. Dari excited nak shopping buat saya rasa terhina pula, mungkin sbb pakaian saya mcm org miskin. Seriously sebanyak2 Watson yg saya pernah pegi xpernah saya jumpa staf mcm ni, tolong tapis betul2. Terima kasih.
Watson's management, please choose the right staff, yes, don't take the ones that make you look bad. First and last I dtg Watson this branch. I've been queuing for a long time, it's ok, it's XPE again, when it's my turn to pay, there are two female staff at one counter table, I'll make a deck for you, I'm a wooden pole. Long time no see at the counter, everything is already on the table, once again with the member card. I'm not him, he's not me, so keep busy. Tggu la lagi almost 15-20 minutes kot, xingat dah, but lama la tggu. But the two of them were so busy, the people who lined up behind me also left, until I asked myself, "can I pay here?", He replied, "can I pay, pay next door". Ehh me, the coat is on fire, why didn't you tell me earlier ?? until my turn arrives, you can pay there, at least tell me early, go to the counter next to me, yes, I can accept. I hope I understand your awkwardness, isn't it, your mouth is too heavy to tell me that you're busy, so I have to pay at the counter next door. Before going to the counter next door, I said to him "oh why don't you say?", Then the two staff could come and whisper to me. Hangin la aku, aku tggu lama dpn korang, boleh kau buat bisu je, kalau sejam Aku tggu situ, sejam jugak la kau sidai aku. The mouth is very rotten to the point where I can say that your counter suddenly closes, let the make -up of the face go hand in hand with the make -up of the temperament once, eh, the interview period used to be training first. Just waste my time. Mentang2 la saya pakai selekeh x kaya, mcm apa je layan saya. I read the nametag, a senior assistant is also a cashier, the management, please pay attention to these two people, especially the senior assistant. Mmg totally ignore me. Remember I came here to ask him for money, I came here to pay, not to beg. But the cashier is the only one at the other counter, it's ok, it's good, just please pay attention to the two of them. Wednesday 26/1/22 at 3:55 pm, check which staff is on duty at that time. From being excited to go shopping, I feel insulted, maybe because my clothes are poor. Seriously, as many Watsons as I've ever been to, I've met staff like this, please filter correctly. Thank you.

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