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Contact 芙蓉惠州会馆

Address :

41, Jalan Kapitan Tam Yeong, Taman Sim, 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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City : Negeri Sembilan

41, Jalan Kapitan Tam Yeong, Taman Sim, 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
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会馆简介 森美兰惠州会馆位于森美兰州芙蓉, 森美兰惠州会馆会馆创办後,原有鹅城会馆与惠州会馆二个名称。惠州源有于中国惠州,属内十县为惠阳、博罗、龙川、河源、永安(紫金)、海丰、陆丰、连平、和平、长宁(新丰)。 十县之中以惠阳为首,并建有府城与县城,两城并立,浮桥相渡,内有鹅岭之峻,外有城濠之绕,所以本会馆初以鹅城命名之,至1950年代初,还是正式名称。 但是,1953年,会馆为了庆祝英女皇伊利莎白二世登基,成立“双麟会雄狮团”,已采用惠州会馆的旗帜。这可能是後来,在进行注册时,须择一个名称为定,所以放弃鹅城会馆而选用惠州会馆。而1955年重建的新馆,方才另上“惠州会馆”的横额。 惠州人抵达森美兰州者(NEGERI SEMBILAN)初可考者主要是旅居从芦骨到双溪芙蓉(SUNGEI UJONG)亚沙村落(KG.RASAH)。适於十八世纪中叶,森美兰州开埠芙蓉(SEREMBAN)之後,则有先贤,盛大安、丘国安、邓佑伯、黄三伯、陈三伯诸甲必丹,先後余力,创始与发扬。本会馆可能创于同治庚午年间,据老前辈说有可能在於西元1870年奠下,本会馆历史亦从此萌芽。但在英殖民1874年年介入前帮派內战时代,不少惠州先辈主要团结在海山公司的旗下亦是事实。 至清末光绪廿八年(西元1902年)更有本会馆总理汤福寿、陈庚瑞、陈五合诸君,再接再厉,不惜牺牲金钱,修葺馆宇,扩充会务,继之再经总理黄瑞庭、陈来、林茂、林景泰、丘金才、曾谭兴、徐杜、张盘运等人,鼎力维持,图谋发展,惜世界战乱南日寇南侵,1941年3月26日,本埠遂告沦陷,以致会务停顿。 在1945年8月15日寇乞降,光复以後,虽幸馆宇尚存,但已被蹂躏不堪,百端待举,而经济拮据,恢复馆务,急如燃眉,即召集同乡会议,成立复兴委员会,当席推选林子高为正主席,办理复兴事宜,西元1946年召开会员大会选出林子高为正会长,进行筹款装修馆舍,登记会员,修改章程,重新注册,附设互助部,向政府讨取馆後余地,购买知知港地皮。 森美兰惠州会馆为分工合作调动职位,是以西元1951年选出叶三为会长,次年会馆重建筹委会即发出宣言,开始募捐,赖於募捐员走遍全马,各地劝捐,幸得全马同乡,踊跃捐款,慷慨解囊,结果成绩斐然,竟获得捐款九万余元,适逢本埠故黄益堂局绅之长子黄能祯发出合申单予林子高,要以十二万五千元卖出其芙蓉市马厘街三至五号三层大厦连同屋後建有楼屋八间地段,本会馆重建筹委会,鉴於价钱适宜,遂即成立购屋小组,向卖主落定,因捐款不足,无从筹备,凡经策划,幸得数字热心同乡如张坤清医生局绅、张茂记、温光、林娇、林子高、叶汉、刘蕙兰女士、吴振群女(叶三夫人)慷慨贷出现款,凑足其额,即於西元1952年8月16日以本会馆名义,将芙蓉市马厘街门牌三至五号三层大厦业产,购买成功。
Introduction Negeri Sembilan Huizhou Hotel is located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. After the establishment of the Negeri Sembilan Huizhou Guild Hall, the original names of the Goose City Guild Hall and Huizhou Guild Hall were used. Huizhou originates from Huizhou, China, and the ten counties in the area are Huiyang, Boluo, Longchuan, Heyuan, Yongan (Zijin), Haifeng, Lufeng, Lianping, Heping, and Changning (Xinfeng). Among the ten counties, Huiyang is the head, and there is a government town and a county town. The two cities stand side by side, with floating bridges crossing each other. There is a steep ridge inside and a city around the outside. Therefore, the hall was originally named after Goose City until the 1950s. At first, it was the official name. However, in 1953, to celebrate the enthronement of Queen Elizabeth II, the Guild Hall established the "Shuanglin Club Lions Group" and adopted the banner of Huizhou Guild Hall. It may be that later, when registering, a name must be chosen, so the Goose City Hall was abandoned and Huizhou Hall was chosen. The new hall, which was rebuilt in 1955, was only displayed on the banner of "Huizhou Guild Hall". Huizhou natives who arrived in Negeri Sembilan (NEGERI SEMBILAN) are the first candidates who live in Luku to SUNGEI UJONG Yasha village (KG.RASAH). Suitable for the mid-eighteenth century, after the opening of Seremban in Negeri Sembilan, there were sages, such as Shan Daan, Qiu Guoan, Deng Youbo, Huang Sanbo, Chen Sanbo, and Jiabidan. This hall may have been founded in the Tongzhi Gengwu reign. According to older generations, it may have been laid down in 1870, and the history of the hall has sprouted from then on. However, it is also true that many Huizhou ancestors mainly united under the banner of Haishan Company during the British colonial intervention in the civil war in 1874. In the 28th year of Guangxu in the late Qing Dynasty (1902), the prime ministers of the Guild Hall, Tang Fushou, Chen Gengrui, and Chen Wuhe, continued to work hard, at the expense of money, repaired the hall, expanded the affairs of the meeting, followed by Prime Minister Huang Ruiting, Chen Lai, and Lin Mao. , Lin Jingtai, Qiu Jincai, Zeng Tanxing, Xu Du, Zhang Panyun, etc., tried their best to maintain and seek development. They regretted the world war and the southern Japanese invasion. On March 26, 1941, the town fell and the meeting was suspended. On August 15, 1945, the Kouqi came down. After the restoration, although the museum was fortunately still alive, it was already devastated and waiting to be promoted. Due to financial constraints, the resumption of the museum's affairs was anxious, that is, a meeting of fellow villagers was called and the establishment was established. The Rejuvenation Committee elected Lin Zigao as the chairman to handle the revival. In 1946, a general meeting was held to elect Lin Zigao as the chairman, fundraising and renovation of the premises, registration of members, amendments to the articles of association, re-registration, and a mutual aid department. , To ask the government for room behind the museum to purchase the land in Zhizhigang. Negeri Sembilan Huizhou Guild Hall transferred positions for the division of labor and cooperation. Ye San was elected as its chairman in 1951. The preparatory committee for the rebuilding of the Guild Hall issued a declaration the following year and began to collect donations. I won a lot of donations and generous donations from all Malaysians, and the results were remarkable. I received a donation of more than 90,000 yuan. It happened that Huang Nengzhen, the eldest son of the old Huang Yitang Bureau of the city, issued a letter of application to Lin Zigao, which was to be sold for 125,000 yuan. The three-story building at No. 3 to No. 5 Mali Street, Seremban City, along with eight lots behind the house, was built. The preparatory committee for the redevelopment of the club established a house purchase team and settled with the seller because of the reasonable price. The donation is insufficient and there is no way to prepare. After planning, fortunately, digital enthusiastic fellows such as Dr. Zhang Kunqing, Jushen, Zhang Maoji, Wen Guang, Lin Jiao, Lin Zigao, Ye Han, Ms. Liu Huilan, Wu Zhenqun (Mrs. Ye San) generously loaned the money, Make up enough money, that is, on August 16, 1952, in the name of the club, the three-story building, No. 3 to 5, Mali Street, Furong City, was purchased and successfully purchased.
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It is now serving variety of noodles to the public

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