Balai Polis Lama Teluk Intan - 36000 Teluk Intan

4.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Balai Polis Lama Teluk Intan

Address :

3, Jalan Bandar, Pekan Teluk Intan, 36000 Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia

Phone : 📞 +99
Categories :
City : Perak

3, Jalan Bandar, Pekan Teluk Intan, 36000 Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia
Inche Saiful on Google

pokuan teoh on Google

kesian bangunan lama yg bersejarah terletak di center pekan terbiar saje… jangan tiap2 tahun hari polis datang gotong-royong,lepastu bagi dya berumput…. bole dijadikan museum atau tarikan pelancongan? 非常可惜的百年警察局,坐落于市中心的优越位置,但是没有得到政府的照顾,任由它杂草丛生。每年警察日都会看到一班人来大扫除,活动过后又是破败不堪,希望它能够被发展成旅游景点。
Azmi Abdul Aziz on Google

The old police station, another building in the classical colonial style with shades of pudu jail about it. It was built in 1893. The central police station is now located in a modern buildinh.

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