Penang Hill Bat Cave Trail

4.7/5 based on 3 reviews

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Bukit Bendera, Penang, Malaysia

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City : Penang

Bukit Bendera, Penang, Malaysia
Sinner Berry on Google

非常好的hiking 路線
Very good hiking route
JJ Wu on Google

升旗山爬山,上山有好几条路。我们走的这一条是从蝙蝠洞上山的。 上山途中,除了树木与花草,有鸡有水声有水泥桥。到了车不能走的山段,已经是人家的果园。果园里有榴莲树和其它植物。这一路上山,好像都有水声。还碰到和尚骑着摩托车上山,冒着烟扬长而去。 有休息的瞭望台,陈旧了点,但风景不错。瞭望台这里可以看到五、六楼高的榴莲树,就那么挺拔的立着,傲视比它小的。 瞭望台过后,有一小段平路。偶尔可以看到一、两粒的大石头在路边。走在大石边,有水声就有寻幽探险的冲动。爬山总会碰到猴子,猴子看起来比山下的大只。 小小一个角落,却是大石头下的拿督公庙。拿督公庙,说是本地的土地公。只要想得玄一点,大概是某天某个老头,坐在石下休息,因为走得快,別人错看为凭地消失而有了这个角落吧? 今天是阴天,上山时有潮湿的感觉。七点多走到这时候,八点四十分,天才大亮。这天气爬山不错。 来到盂兰阴壇,是个小庙,有厕所可用。有老黄狗。没有清云门那么大的狗,当然也不可能有清云门那么大。人也不可能活几千岁的。在山里修心养性,只要做到与世无争,延年益寿该是可能。这里又是一段平路。竹子下可以看到槟威大桥。也有趟在大石头上看风景的猫。 不一样的上山路线,也有交错在一起的时候。人突然多了。山上有人家,有水有电。有果园当然也有菜园。 一路走走停停,说说笑笑,也不闷也不感觉累。当然聊得起劲的不会是我。我还是一、两句带过的那种。 再走一会就到了车站。是半山的览车站。上山之前已买了票。等着上山顶去吃红豆冰。 原来来这里爬山吃东西是有优待的。
There are several roads to climb the Penang Hill. The one we walked up the mountain from the Bat Cave. On the way up the mountain, in addition to trees and flowers, there are chickens, water and concrete bridges. When you reach the mountain section where you can't walk by car, it is already an orchard for others. There are durian trees and other plants in the orchard. There seemed to be the sound of water from the mountains along the way. I also ran into a monk riding a motorcycle up the mountain, smoking a long way away. The observation deck with rest is a bit old, but the scenery is good. From the observation deck, you can see the durian trees on the fifth and sixth floors, standing so tall and tall, arrogantly smaller than it. After the observation deck, there is a short stretch of flat road. Occasionally, one or two big rocks can be seen on the side of the road. Walking by the boulder, there is the urge to explore the loneliness when there is the sound of water. You will always encounter monkeys when you climb a mountain. The monkey looks bigger than the one at the bottom of the mountain. A small corner is the Datuk’s Temple under the big stone. Datuk’s Gong Temple is said to be the local land public. As long as you think more profoundly, maybe some day some old man sits under a rock and rests. Because he walks fast, others mistakenly think that he has this corner because he has disappeared. It is cloudy today, and it feels damp when going up the mountain. At this time after seven o'clock, eight to forty, the genius was bright. The weather is good for climbing. Came to Yulan Yintan, a small temple with toilets available. There are old yellow dogs. There is no dog as big as Qingyunmen, of course it is impossible to be as big as Qingyunmen. It is impossible for a person to live thousands of years. Cultivating one's mind and nature in the mountains, as long as there is no conflict with the world, it should be possible to prolong life. Here is another flat road. Penang Bridge can be seen under the bamboo. There are also cats wading on the big rocks to see the scenery. There are also times when different uphill routes are intertwined. Suddenly there are more people. There are people on the mountain, with water and electricity. Of course there are orchards and vegetable gardens. Stop and go all the way, talking and laughing, not bored nor tired. Of course it won't be me who can talk vigorously. I'm still the kind that I have mentioned in one or two sentences. Walk for a while and you will reach the station. It is a station in Mid-Levels. I bought a ticket before going up the mountain. Waiting to go to the top of the mountain to eat red bean ice. It turns out that there is a preferential treatment to come here to climb the mountain and eat.
Von Green on Google

Nice and short trail to reach Penang Hill top. Beware of some intersections along the way that will make you stray from main path. The track is quite steep so it may cause discomfort for newbies. On the other hand, the scenery will not make you regret on your choice!

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